Tuesday 12 September 2017

Sick sentences

1. It was a cold Day/ The creatures went through the water.
     ‘Splosh slash’ as the whales swiftly glide through the bitter water in the freezing thin air.

2. They stuck together

They stuck together as if they were family

3.Sam and the skydivers held on to each other.
Scardly Sam gripped onto Ronald’s arm with his life.  
4. They were high up.
Scardly Sam gripped onto Ronald’s arm with his life.  

5. It was scary.
Pulse rushing like there’s no tomorrow screaming for dear life the skydivers were all terrified.

6. The rider held on.
His speedy motorbike was zooming as quick as it could go on the hard stony ground.

7. His bike was going quickly over the ground.
The hard rocky ground was filthy and was as dusty as an old shelf.

8. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared.
Swiftly the rider rode his huge motorbike down the rocky ground, excitedly but scared  he rode over a hill.



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