Tuesday 12 September 2017

Sick sentences

1. It was a cold Day/ The creatures went through the water.
     ‘Splosh slash’ as the whales swiftly glide through the bitter water in the freezing thin air.

2. They stuck together

They stuck together as if they were family

3.Sam and the skydivers held on to each other.
Scardly Sam gripped onto Ronald’s arm with his life.  
4. They were high up.
Scardly Sam gripped onto Ronald’s arm with his life.  

5. It was scary.
Pulse rushing like there’s no tomorrow screaming for dear life the skydivers were all terrified.

6. The rider held on.
His speedy motorbike was zooming as quick as it could go on the hard stony ground.

7. His bike was going quickly over the ground.
The hard rocky ground was filthy and was as dusty as an old shelf.

8. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared.
Swiftly the rider rode his huge motorbike down the rocky ground, excitedly but scared  he rode over a hill.



Wednesday 14 June 2017

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Becoming the statue of liberty!!

I am trying to make my writing more exciting for the reader by varying ny sentence beginnings and using descriptive language.

Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths .
Selfie Writing 1st Draft - Paige
Becoming the statue of liberty

Hey,  guess what? I am the new statue of liberty. Great right? I think there are awesome changes, like now I have a crown I feel like the queen of England!! I feel great, normally I feel sick but not this time!!

I can see everything, like people walking down the street, cars going through  red lights.  You know what, I yell at them  at the top of my stoney lungs,  watch it fools.

The weird thing is I was walking along the street of New York City, and all of a sudden poof!” I was high up in the sky.

What I think happened was I was walking down the street, then a wizard, with his long beard, came out of nowhere and shot me with his magical wand. That is what I think happened anyway.

You know I could be wrong. Who knows?  I don’t really care because this is my dream.  My  arms are going to get sore after a while,  my eyes are going to sting from all the flashing lights of the cameras, but it’s  worth it!  I don’t know if I will wake up and I will be back to normal. Or I’ll  be stuck up here forever.

By Paige


I am trying to make my writing more exciting for the reader by varying my sentence beginnings and using descriptive language.

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths


Beep beep. Ahh.” I groaned still lying in bed. “I can’t be bothered getting out.” Slowly I rolled out of bed and hit the hard floor. I quickly ran to the warm shower and spent a long time in there. Eventually I get out of the shower and head down stairs. Suddenly I get a waft of a delicious smell. Then I remember it was my brothers birthday,
then I saw them, the delicious looking pancakes smothered in whipped cream and golden syrup. I said to myself, how could I eat something so good looking. But you know, I did.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Holiday Snapshot

On a sunny Taupo day me and my family decided to go to Rotorua.
We decided to go on the Luge.
When we got there I got nervous because of the size of the hill. All of that changed when we got on it me and Mum were zooming down but we had to stop cause my brothers luge was not moving so me and Mum stopped in the middle of it. We did this three times each but the last two none of ours stopped.
Screenshot 2017-02-02 at 12.07.54 PM.pngAfter the luge you had to go on the chairlift to get back to the top. At the top we got some lunch and ice cream!!
Instead of ice cream my sister got the bean boozle.

Survivor day


Cautiously we opened our bags of lollies trying not to be caught. Carefully we  grab handfuls of lollies and stuffed them in our faces.

Suddenly we saw a flash of light coming our way, we stayed as still as statues while the shadow quietly moved away. Carefully we continue eating our lollies.

Eventually the shadow came back and told us to turn off the light and go to sleep. Slowly we snuggled into our blankets and tried to go to sleep. Hurriedly Faith grabbed her pork rib flavoured  chips and started rattling the packet. Go to sleep! We whispered to Faith a bit annoyed.  One long hour past and  finally we got to sleep.

By Paige!!

My learning style

Inside my head

Wanted poster

Tuesday 14 March 2017

This term for topic we are learning about insects. Here is my cockroach fact file!!!


Thursday 9 March 2017

My Blurb

Hello, my name is Paige I am a year 7 at Waikanae School I like sport and art!!!😀😀

Sunday 5 March 2017

Survivor Day For Year Seven and Eights!!!!

On the 2nd of March we made shelters for survivor day,  our team made an awesome one that  stayed up all night. On the 3rd of March we were all tired but we still made it to the pools. Now we are back at school doing work.😀